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  • 70 entries must have valid URIs
Name Reference Site address Deliverable Hazardous substances Hectares MinNetDwellings Minimum net dwellings Maximum net dwellings Ownership status Planning permission date Planning permission type Planning permission history Planning permission status Site plan URL Point Notes OrganisationLabel Organisation Entry date Start date End date
WGC104b WGC104b Welwyn Garden City - Broadwater Road West SPD Site (North) yes 9.09 1403 1403 not owned by a public authority 2019-02-15 full planning permission

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permissioned POINT(-0.201087 51.800701) Application for 1340 C3 dwellings plus 114 C2 dwellings - equal to 63 dwelling equivalents when applying the 2.5:1 ratio as outlined in the Housing Delivery Measurement Rulebook published by MHCLG in July 2018. Approximately 2273sqm of A1-A5 retail floor space 6522 B1 office floor space 3722sqm of D1 floor space and 1235sqm of D2 floor space. 2019-10-31 2017-12-15
WGC104c WGC104c Welwyn Garden City - Broadwater Road West SPD Site (West) 2.07 171 171 not owned by a public authority

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Not permissioned POINT(-0.203185 51.799349) Approximately 11250sqm net new Class B1a office floor space. 2024-02-15 2017-12-15
WGC135e WGC135e Welwyn Garden City - Xerox Campus Bessemer Road (New build - West Blocks X2 and X3) yes 1.2 125 125 not owned by a public authority 2016-12-16 reserved matters approval

Invalid URI

permissioned^213445.471969504&layersidentifier=8bbb751d4b854c4b9c80f0034f9e8092&menuconfig=Live&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(-0.19958 51.806137) This site has been completed 2021-10-29 2017-12-15 2021-10-29
WGC109 WGC109 Welwyn Garden City - Ratcliff Tail Lift Site Bessemer Road yes 2.19 110 110 not owned by a public authority 2019-09-19 full planning permission

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permissioned^213966.249511719&layersidentifier=c10be176b3354b8483cab0816447a0df&menuconfig=Live&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(-0.191128 51.81035) This site has been completed. 2019-10-31 2017-12-15 2024-02-15
WGC123 WGC123 Welwyn Garden City - Town Centre North SPD Site 1.42 100 100 mixed ownership

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Not permissioned POINT(-0.2056 51.802839) The majority of the site is owned by a public authority but parts are privately owned. Approximately 5800sqm net new Class A1-A5 retail floor space. 2024-02-15 2017-12-15
Hat102 Hat102 Hatfield - Highview (Hilltop) SPD Site yes 1.85 146 146 owned by a public authority 2020-07-09 full planning permission

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permissioned POINT(-0.234075 51.748552) Reprovision of existing neighbourhood centre. 2020-10-29 2017-12-15
Hat101b Hat101b Hatfield - 1-9 Town Centre yes 0.82 71 66 owned by a public authority 2021-02-03 full planning permission

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permissioned POINT(-0.224762 51.763618) 1110sqm flexible commercial floorspace. 2023-02-16 2017-12-15
Hat111 Hat111 Hatfield - L Kahn Manufacturing Wellfield Road 0.88 62 62 not owned by a public authority

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Not permissioned POINT(-0.227115 51.766432) 2024-02-15 2017-12-15
WGC114 WGC114 Welwyn Garden City - 80 Bridge Road East yes 0.45 32 32 not owned by a public authority

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Not permissioned POINT(-0.192979 51.799597) 2024-02-15 2017-12-15
WGC136 WGC136 Welwyn Garden City - 37 Broadwater Road yes 0.22 24 24 not owned by a public authority 2019-07-18 full planning permission

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permissioned POINT(-0.200142 51.797819) This site has been completed. 2020-10-29 2017-12-15 2024-02-15
WGC132b WGC132b Welwyn Garden City - Highways House 43-45 Broadwater Road yes 0.38 58 23 not owned by a public authority 2020-02-17 full planning permission

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permissioned POINT(-0.200621 51.7969) C2 dwelling equivalents. This site has been completed. 2020-10-29 2020-10-29 2025-01-22
WGC119 WGC119 Welwyn Garden City - St Michaels House Holwell Road 0.43 22 22 owned by a public authority

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Not permissioned POINT(-0.193635 51.794077) 2024-02-15 2017-12-15
Hat126 Hat126 Hatfield - Colonial House 87 Great North Road yes 0.11 20 20 not owned by a public authority 2014-12-05 full planning permission

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permissioned^209251.699707031&layersidentifier=3e9ef1ec628b4aafa05e231c0ff02bbf&menuconfig=Live&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(-0.215374 51.768322) This site has been completed 2021-10-29 2017-12-15 2021-10-29
Hat104 Hat104 Hatfield - Car park and shops north of Salisbury Square yes 0.94 1 17 Unknown ownership 2013-01-30 full planning permission

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permissioned POINT(-0.214316 51.76319) The ownership of the majority of the site is known those parts being Mixed Ownership. However Certificate C was completed when planning permission was applied for meaning that some landowners are unknown. 600sqm net new A1-A3 retail floor space and de-pedestrianisation and redesign of Salisbury Square. Earlier planning permission for higher number of dwellings S6/2011/1994/MA was superseded by 6/2021/3422/MAJ. Net dwellings figure has been updated to reflect more recent permission. 2025-01-22 2017-12-15
WGC139 WGC139 Welwyn Garden City - Accord House 28 Bridge Road East yes 0.19 17 17 not owned by a public authority 2019-09-23 other

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permissioned^212966.635742188&layersidentifier=0ce22fbe04ff4925ad12ca1950795395&menuconfig=Live&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(-0.197761 51.801523) This site has been completed 2020-10-29 2017-12-15 2023-02-16
WGC116 WGC116 Welwyn Garden City - Hyde Valley House Hyde Valley yes 0.25 13 17 mixed ownership 2022-05-18 reserved matters approval

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permissioned POINT(-0.191894 51.790831) The freeholder of the site is a public authority but the site also has an outstanding lease to a private body for a period in excess of 15 years - that private body is therefore also an owner in accordance with Regulation 4 of the Brownfield Land Register Regulations 2017. As such the site has mixed ownership. This site has been completed. 2024-02-15 2017-12-15 2025-01-22
Hat139a Hat139a Hatfield - 36 Salisbury Square (First and second floor conversion) yes 0.07 16 16 not owned by a public authority 2017-08-31 other

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permissioned^208667.524902344&layersidentifier=c2027d57cd314eea9fc2a21b9e1b606d&menuconfig=Live&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(-0.214927 51.763145) This site has been completed 2017-12-15 2017-12-15 2023-02-16
Hat113 Hat113 Hatfield - Garages at Hollyfield yes 0.27 8 14 owned by a public authority 2022-08-02 full planning permission

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permissioned POINT(-0.229522 51.74459) This site has been completed. 2022-10-31 2017-12-15 2025-01-22
WGC138a WGC138a Welwyn Garden City - Fountain House Howardsgate (Office to residential conversion) yes 0.05 18 18 not owned by a public authority 2018-06-19 other

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permissioned^213044.854492188&layersidentifier=793902062d964a21bd13f49913c0366c&menuconfig=Live&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(-0.20803 51.80238) This site has been completed. Included previously under permission reference 6/2017/1686/PN11 - new permission was granted in June 2018 and net dwellings increased from 14 to 18 to reflect new permission. 2021-10-29 2017-12-15 2021-10-29
Cuf108 Cuf108 Cuffley - Cuffley Motor Company Station Road yes 0.1 12 12 not owned by a public authority 2017-12-06 full planning permission

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permissioned POINT(-0.108555 51.708424) 2024-02-15 2017-12-15
Hat106 Hat106 Hatfield - Meridian House The Common yes 0.1 11 9 owned by a public authority

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Not permissioned POINT(-0.230383 51.762938) In relation to ownership status - under Schedule 19 of the Equalities Act 2010 the owner of this site is a public authority by virtue of being an institution within the higher education sector. Previously assessed in the 2016 HELAA and found suitable for 9 dwellings. 2024-02-15 2017-12-15
WGC145 WGC145 Welwyn Garden City - Diocesan Education Centre Hall Grove yes 0.25 9 9 not owned by a public authority 2018-10-12 full planning permission

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permissioned^209156.507449894&layersidentifier=b8d8bd70f2404f18b1b14dbc4f0aaa03&menuconfig=Live&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(-0.180607 51.789756) This site has been completed. Includes provision of community hall. 2021-10-29 2018-12-13 2021-10-29
WGC138b WGC138b Welwyn Garden City - Fountain House Howardsgate (Extension) yes 0.05 9 9 not owned by a public authority 2018-06-18 full planning permission

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permissioned^213044.854492188&layersidentifier=bdc998e7ab8c46c9b5b44e7b3bd18c97&menuconfig=Live&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(-0.20803 51.80238) This site has been completed. Included previously under permission reference 6/2017/0400/FULL - new permission was granted in June 2018 and net dwellings increased from 8 to 9 to reflect new permission. 2021-10-29 2017-12-15 2021-10-29
BrP033 BrP033 Rural Areas - Swan Lodge Bell Lane Brookmans Park yes 0.15 7 7 not owned by a public authority 2016-07-21 full planning permission

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permissioned^205401.375&layersidentifier=53f1b60633c344919e748293297413be&menuconfig=Live&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(-0.187835 51.733316) This site has been completed 2021-10-29 2017-12-15 2021-10-29
NgS101 NgS101 Rural Areas - Ponsbourne Riding School Ponsbourne Park Newgate Street yes 0.51 7 7 not owned by a public authority 2018-08-23 full planning permission

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permissioned^205131.469970703&layersidentifier=d8bbc1309df24b93a00023973fa7f9c0&menuconfig=Live&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(-0.112302 51.729671) This site has been completed. Included previously under permission reference S6/2016/2706/MAJ - new permission was granted in August 2018 and net dwellings increased from 6 to 7 to reflect new permission. 2021-10-29 2017-12-15 2021-10-29
WGC144 WGC144 Welwyn Garden City - The East Great North Road yes 0.24 6 7 not owned by a public authority 2018-10-30 full planning permission

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permissioned^211053.224625371&layersidentifier=618c8cb37fce4b94bf4a07dd906b947f&menuconfig=Live&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(-0.224656 51.784687) This site has been completed. Included previously under permission reference 6/2018/0494/FULL - new permission was granted in October 2018. 2021-10-29 2018-12-13 2021-10-29
BrP032 BrP032 Rural Areas - Firs Stables Woodside Lane Brookmans Park yes 0.64 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2018-06-06 full planning permission

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permissioned^205572.594970703&layersidentifier=0a74b7ed74974f9a80f17fd15a3e47a4&menuconfig=Live&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(-0.18643 51.73476) Included previously under outline permission reference S6/2014/1403/OP - permission was granted in June 2018. 2019-10-31 2017-12-15
WGC117 WGC117 Welwyn Garden City - Land north of The Beehive PH, Beehive Lane yes 0.27 5 5 mixed ownership

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Not permissioned^211301.950195313&layersidentifier=e3499bebe07b4e3bab2dd326f887aa8c&menuconfig=Live POINT(-0.18778 51.786388) The freeholder of the site is a public authority, but the site also has an outstanding lease to a private body for a period in excess of 15 years - that private body is therefore also an owner in accordance with Regulation 4 of the Brownfield Land Register Regulations 2017. As such, the site has mixed ownership. 2017-12-15 2017-12-15
BrP106 BrP106 Brookmans Park - 11 Brookmans Avenue yes 0.1 4 4 not owned by a public authority 2017-07-17 full planning permission

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permissioned^204151.620117188&layersidentifier=af3b6388efc047b4ab0f03ee67526a02&menuconfig=Live&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(-0.20009 51.722291) This site has been completed. Net capacity below 5 but included because gross capacity meets the 5 dwelling requirement. 2021-10-29 2017-12-15 2021-10-29
STL017a STL017a Rural Areas - 2 New Road, Stanborough (North) yes 0.06 4 4 not owned by a public authority 2016-11-11 full planning permission

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permissioned^211414.574707031&layersidentifier=72fd315a5f6a45c9904ab3b884c7df7b&menuconfig=Live POINT(-0.227833 51.788078) Net capacity below 5, but included because STL017a and STL017b have a combined capacity of 8 dwellings - applicant opted to have the two halves of the site considered seperately 2017-12-15 2017-12-15 2023-02-16
STL017b STL017b Rural Areas - 2 New Road, Stanborough (South) yes 0.03 4 4 not owned by a public authority 2016-11-11 full planning permission

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permissioned^211405.783203125&layersidentifier=4552a4ff18e84f5eb8160b54256cc69f&menuconfig=Live POINT(-0.227881 51.787962) Net capacity below 5, but included because STL017a and STL017b have a combined capacity of 8 dwellings - applicant opted to have the two halves of the site considered seperately 2017-12-15 2017-12-15 2023-02-16
Hat144 Hat144 Hatfield - 33 Lemsford Road yes 0.05 4 4 not owned by a public authority 2018-06-08 full planning permission

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permissioned^211053.224625371&layersidentifier=406b35bae20a4d429d3bb7fb6309d96d&menuconfig=Live&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(-0.23451 51.764265) This site has been completed. Net capacity below 5 but included because gross capacity meets the 5 dwelling requirement. 2021-10-29 2018-12-13 2021-10-29
Hat145 Hat145 Hatfield - 2 St Albans Road East yes 0.06 4 4 not owned by a public authority 2018-06-26 full planning permission

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permissioned^211691.657842843&layersidentifier=6ff86fb87fd146b2a0cbfd57a6d4294b&menuconfig=Live&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(-0.21699 51.767524) This site has been completed. Net capacity below 5 but included because gross capacity meets the 5 dwelling requirement. 2021-10-29 2018-12-13 2021-10-29
Wel105 Wel105 Rural Areas - Guessens 6 Codicote Road yes 0.83 7 7 not owned by a public authority 2019-03-25 full planning permission

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permissioned^216322.494885847&layersidentifier=369633767e5e426aa3a738a31fd82996&menuconfig=Live&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(-0.216098 51.831878) This site has been completed 2019-10-31 2019-10-31 2023-02-16
Dig102 Dig102 Digswell - 53 Harmer Green Lane yes 0.55 2 2 not owned by a public authority 2015-12-09 full planning permission

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permissioned^216129.75&layersidentifier=0ee4fa4a80d74eb0a3a12bd1d02e4f2f&menuconfig=Live POINT(-0.184656 51.82988) Net capacity below 5, but included because site exceeds the 0.25ha site size requirement 2017-12-15 2017-12-15
OMH102 OMH102 Oaklands & Mardley Heath - 10 & 12 Oaklands Rise yes 0.29 2 2 not owned by a public authority 2017-05-04 full planning permission

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permissioned^217246.859375&layersidentifier=06ed96e0e63e4fb0a3c39bc141140a2b&menuconfig=Live POINT(-0.188581 51.839868) Net capacity below 5, but included because site exceeds the 0.25ha site size requirement 2017-12-15 2017-12-15
Wel007a Wel007a Welwyn - The Frythe (Phase 1 - East) yes 2.35 2 2 not owned by a public authority 2014-01-22 reserved matters approval

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permissioned^215186.835449219&layersidentifier=213109bac9be40e2a0add3f407eda308&menuconfig=Live&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(-0.22376 51.821989) This site has been completed. 2021-10-29 2017-12-15 2021-10-29
Ess010 Ess010 Rural Areas - The Spinney High Road Essendon yes 0.82 2 2 not owned by a public authority 2018-06-14 full planning permission

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permissioned^208014.145019531&layersidentifier=aee93471404345d09e95d810526b2d24&menuconfig=Live&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(-0.154093 51.756342) Net capacity below 5 but included because site exceeds the 0.25ha site size requirement. Included previously under permission reference 6/2016/1118/FULL. 2019-10-31 2017-12-15 2023-02-16
Cuf109 Cuf109 Cuffley - Cuffley Hills Barn The Ridgeway yes 0.27 1 1 not owned by a public authority 2018-02-20 full planning permission

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permissioned^202872.224617754&layersidentifier=91b67f841f4a46a0a128b7e99f048c22&menuconfig=Live POINT(-0.12026 51.70912) Net capacity below 5, but included because site exceeds the 0.25ha site size requirement. 2018-12-13 2018-12-13
Hat134 Hat134 Hatfield - Onslow St Audreys School yes 8.29 86 86 mixed ownership 2018-10-05 full planning permission

Invalid URI

permissioned^208214.408425374&layersidentifier=76f7f87a3dfb4afe8dc70768ecdcf26a&menuconfig=Live&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(-0.221201 51.759271) This site is only part PDL. 2019-10-31 2019-10-31
WGr101 WGr101 Woolmer Green - Entech House London Road yes 2.19 72 72 not owned by a public authority 2018-10-26 full planning permission

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permissioned^219023.639694582&layersidentifier=52c3f87d751c4bf287abda8254e27430&menuconfig=Live&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(-0.183534 51.855783) This site has been completed. 657sqm of A1 retail floorspace and 485sqm B1a office floor space. 2021-10-29 2019-10-31 2023-02-16
WGC148 WGC148 Welwyn Garden City - Norton Building Bridge Road East yes 0.99 122 59 not owned by a public authority 2019-02-28 other

Invalid URI

Not permissioned POINT(-0.193414 51.801511) Capacity of 122 dwellings in HELAA 2019. 2023-02-16 2019-10-31
WGC120c WGC120c Welwyn Garden City - Queen Elizabeth II Hospital Nursery and MRI Centre yes 0.4 41 41 not owned by a public authority 2019-03-25 full planning permission

Invalid URI

permissioned^210983.931154612&layersidentifier=95c6328e2ff441f8ba3444de11d38810&menuconfig=Live&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(-0.183885 51.783463) This site has been completed 2021-10-29 2019-10-31 2021-10-29
Wel106 Wel106 Welwyn - 37 Church Street yes 0.2 7 7 not owned by a public authority 2019-02-07 full planning permission

Invalid URI

permissioned^216472.320928159&layersidentifier=3726106826284434b464a927851b95b8&menuconfig=Live&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(-0.210035 51.833296) This site is only part PDL. This site has been completed. 2021-10-29 2019-10-31 2021-10-29
BrP107 BrP107 Brookmans Park - 77 Brookmans Avenue yes 0.16 7 7 not owned by a public authority 2019-01-04 full planning permission

Invalid URI

permissioned^204319.551132803&layersidentifier=af1e6dc0f58f4e068a2fc3cb0ecdc09a&menuconfig=Live&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(-0.191363 51.723676) This site has been completed 2021-10-29 2019-10-31 2021-10-29
Cuf101 Cuf101 Cuffley - 36 The Ridgeway yes 0.94 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2019-03-28 full planning permission

Invalid URI

permissioned^203421.086308569&layersidentifier=d98973cc710348d9bb11da54e9f3ae00&menuconfig=Live&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(-0.126619 51.714551) This site is only part PDL. 2019-10-31 2019-10-31
Hat139b Hat139b Hatfield - 36 Salisbury Square (Ground Floor Conversion) yes 0.16 5 5 not owned by a public authority 2019-02-27 full planning permission

Invalid URI

permissioned^208667.524902344&layersidentifier=81b67f7b75864cdb98a687c2ed65fd23&menuconfig=Live&backgroundmap=MapDefaultLayerNames POINT(-0.214927 51.763145) This site has been completed. 2019-10-31 2019-10-31 2024-02-15
WGC123a WGC123a Welwyn Garden City - Town Centre North - Campus East Car Park 1.96 250 owned by a public authority

Invalid URI

Not permissioned POINT(-0.20309 51.80474) 2024-02-15 2020-10-29
WGC149 WGC149 Welwyn Garden City - 29 Broadwater Road yes 0.7 128 not owned by a public authority 2021-09-30 full planning permission

Invalid URI

permissioned POINT(-0.199547 51.798705) 2023-02-16 2020-10-29
WGC154 WGC154 Welwyn Garden City - Bio-Park Broadwater Road yes 1.3 289 not owned by a public authority 2022-08-25 full planning permission

Invalid URI

permissioned POINT(-0.203594 51.7975) 2023-02-16 2020-10-29

Showing rows 1 to 50 of 70

How to fix this issue

Your dataset is missing the PlanningHistory column.

The Brownfield land guidance explains how to fix the issue:


Enter links to any web pages that give information on the site’s planning history (include the “http://” or “https://” prefix). Fields in this column can contain more than one link, as long as you separate multiple links with the pipe character (‘|’). You can leave this field blank.

How to improve Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council’s data

  1. Fix the errors indicated
  2. Use the check service to make sure the data meets the standard
  3. Publish the updated data on the endpoint URL